Hi all,
I'm getting to the point where I'm knocking out some html for the python
site to see what can be done and can't be done. (at this point I'm sure
everything can be done but to what extent and how efficiently we'll
My big (BIG!!!) question is support for netscape 4.
I'd love to be able to make sure it works visually in netscape 4 but if
we have to do that then we lose an incredible amount of the advantages
of css and semantic html. Basically if we want it to work in netscape 4
then I think we're back to tables (unless someone thinks the design can
be implemented in css layout and still work in netscape, I've tried and
not had much success).
If it's an absolute must then we'll have to try harder or dump the
design. If, like many many other sites on the Internet, we say we can
live as long as the site is usable in netscape, then we're back onto a
winner. This might mean that the site becomes very much a text site (no
images, lynx style layout) or we can play with style sheets to see if we
can come up with an alternative and simpler layout for netscape
(filtered using style sheet hacks).
I'd really like to be able to build the site using full semantic
HTML/css layout as it would make it extrememly fast / accessible and
also get a lot of attention from a lot of web developers.
If you want to see the sort of html I'm talking about and how it renders
in things like Lynx, check out
Shown with enlarged font :
"Developer Works HTML at large font size"
"Python Proof of Concept HTML at large font size"
Shown with CSS removed :
"Developer Works HTML at large font size with CSS removed"
"Python Proof of Concept HTML at large font size with CSS removed"
Shown in Lynx :
"Developer Works HTML in Lynx"
Loading Image...
"Python Proof of Concept HTML in Lynx"
The css removed is an example of what it would look like in netscape 4
(obviously with a smaller font if that's whats specified) if we don't
aply any alternative styling. If we don't require 100% visual integrity
in netscape 4, then I think we can make netscape look a lot better than
Hope this hasn't just confused people... Just to restate the basic
Do we :-
1) Say we need netscape 4 to look exactly like the design and sacrifice
a lot of the advantages of modern CSS etc
2) Say we can compromise on netscape 4 as long as it's usable and
presentable and allow us to use all the modern facilities that css2/dom
etc give us.
My answer is 2 but I think you expected that :-) ....
Tim Parkin
Managing Director
Pollenation Internet Ltd
m : 07980 59 47 68
t : 01132 25 25 00
-----Original Message-----
From: pydotorg-redesign-***@python.org
[mailto:pydotorg-redesign-***@python.org] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: 14 September 2003 02:36
To: Barry Warsaw
Cc: pydotorg-***@python.org
Subject: Re: [Pydotorg-redesign] how to search the site
Post by Barry WarsawIf I were to cast my vote <wink> I'd go for the thing that takes the
least amount of effort to set up and maintain, that doesn't suck.
Post by Barry Warsawpoints if we include the mailing list archives as a search corpus.
I just took a look at the mailing list archives and they total just over
700 MB(!) - the largest is Python-Dev at 111 MB. Loading that lot in to
a search engine could be a painful task. It looks like Google has
indexed them all (incredibly) so a targetted Google search limited to
the mail.python.org domain would probably suffice for mailing lists.
I still think there is a big advantage to be had in rolling a custom
search engine for the site though - the ability to highlight certain
site areas for specific keywords for example. I wonder if it would be
possible to use the Google web services API to power a Python.org search
engine? The API terms and conditions www.google.com/apis/api_terms.html
say this:
The Google Web APIs service is made available to you for your personal,
non-commercial use only (at home or at work) [ ... ] And you may not use
the search results provided by the Google Web APIs service with an
existing product or service that competes with products or services
offered by Google.
I have no idea if a search engine for Python.org would count as
"competing with products or services offered by Google". If it doesn't,
a Google API powered search engine would give us all of the benefits of
Google while still allowing the Python site to apply a custom template
to the results and other enhancements (such as recommeded site areas for
specific keywords).