Richard Jones
2003-08-11 02:35:15 UTC
I just skimmed through amk's revised beginner's guide, great stuff!
The download pages seem a little confused though - the one linked from the
beginner's guide mentions python 2.2. Could we maybe simplify the main
download page so it's more friendly to beginners and do away with the
duplicated page?
Also, I believe the source downloading text could be improved. Currently it
says "download Python-2.3.tgz, the source tarball, and do the usual 'gunzip;
tar; ./configure; make" dance.'
Perhaps more explicit, useful instructions could be given, like 'download the
source archive Python-2.3.tgz, unpack and build. Typically "tar zxf
Python-2.3.tgz" will unpack, and then in the Python-2.3 directory type
"./configure && make install" to build.' Or something similar?
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The download pages seem a little confused though - the one linked from the
beginner's guide mentions python 2.2. Could we maybe simplify the main
download page so it's more friendly to beginners and do away with the
duplicated page?
Also, I believe the source downloading text could be improved. Currently it
says "download Python-2.3.tgz, the source tarball, and do the usual 'gunzip;
tar; ./configure; make" dance.'
Perhaps more explicit, useful instructions could be given, like 'download the
source archive Python-2.3.tgz, unpack and build. Typically "tar zxf
Python-2.3.tgz" will unpack, and then in the Python-2.3 directory type
"./configure && make install" to build.' Or something similar?
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