[Pydotorg-redesign] FW: PQR 2.2 going to move to Simon's page?
Kevin Altis
2003-08-09 15:31:32 UTC
Just an idea for the python.org documentation page. THE PQR can be pretty


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Gruet
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 4:29 AM
To: Kevin Altis
Subject: Re: PQR 2.2 going to move to Simon's page?

Hi Kevin

I was just wondering the same ;-) I asked - and even beseeched - Simon to
update his site many times, but for an unknown and incomprehensible reason
(madness, laziness - I exclude death because he's still activeon the net -),
he never did it, which I find regrettable since there are links to his PQR
page which get now outdated. Maybe you can try to mail him and ask for the
change, he is welcome to sync with my page... So my page
http://rgruet.free.fr/#QuickRef is de facto the official home.

Regarding the python.org documentation tree, are you refering to the links
on html pages, the official manual pages or the CVS ? Recently, the
http://www.python.org/doc/Intros.html still correctly linked to my page
after I asked for the change, but I now realize that it's again pointing at
Simon's page !?! I have personally nothing against including the PQR as part
of the official documentation, but I think it'd be enough to correctly
reference it from http://www.python.org/doc/ under "Quick references" for
example (the organisation of python.org is somehow confusing, it's strange
that the quick ref is in the section "introductory material on Python" ??).

As for the CVS, I learned that Raymond Hettinger had made his own version of
the PQR2.3, from PQR 2.0 (!) without thinking to mail me about his project,
when he suddenly realized that I existed when I issued the PQR2.2. He then
generously proposed me to join his effort and add my corrections to his
version. To me the contrary seemed more sensible (his version had missed
many changes since 2.0), so I declined the invitation (and he didn't bother
answering to mine). The conclusion is that maybe you will have two PQR 2.3.
I plan to update the PQR to 2.3 one of this day, I swear, I'm currently
looking at the changes in 2.3.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Altis" <***@semi-retired.com>
To: <***@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 7:32 AM
Subject: PQR 2.2 going to move to Simon's page?
Hey Richard,
just wondering if the 2.2 quick reference is ever going to move to Simon's
PQR page or if your page will remain the official home? OTOH, maybe the
quick reference should just live on python.org as part of the documenation
I don't suppose you're looking into a 2.3 update? ;-)
2003-08-09 18:40:12 UTC
Post by Kevin Altis
Just an idea for the python.org documentation page. THE PQR can be pretty
I've added to python.org/doc/
Aahz (***@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/

This is Python. We don't care much about theory, except where it intersects
with useful practice. --Aahz