A.M. Kuchling
2003-08-11 22:23:00 UTC
This round of web site revisions started a few weeks ago when I
suggested cleaning up the left-hand links on the very top page of
python.org. Despite all the changes since then, the sidebar has
undergone no changes.
The problem with the current sidebar is that it's too long and the
links are too jumbled.
My current draft is at http://www.amk.ca/python.org.html, but it still
needs work. Issues:
* Popular links is too vague a section title. Can someone suggest a
better title, or a rearrangement that makes the choice of title clear?
* The "Exits" section is a jumble of stuff. Why link to PyGame, not
NumPy or PIL or Reportlab or any number of worthy packages? Why link
to the particular topic of web hosting? I'd suggest just dropping the
entire "Exits" section, because it's not clear what it's for.
* "Commercial Exits" is also really long, yet it's still incomplete.
As M.-A. Lemburg pointed out a little while ago, his company, eGenix,
isn't listed. We lack a criterion for adding companies to this list.
IMHO this isn't important enough to consume space on the top page; the
section should be removed and the companies listed somewhere else (in a
marketing section?).
suggested cleaning up the left-hand links on the very top page of
python.org. Despite all the changes since then, the sidebar has
undergone no changes.
The problem with the current sidebar is that it's too long and the
links are too jumbled.
My current draft is at http://www.amk.ca/python.org.html, but it still
needs work. Issues:
* Popular links is too vague a section title. Can someone suggest a
better title, or a rearrangement that makes the choice of title clear?
* The "Exits" section is a jumble of stuff. Why link to PyGame, not
NumPy or PIL or Reportlab or any number of worthy packages? Why link
to the particular topic of web hosting? I'd suggest just dropping the
entire "Exits" section, because it's not clear what it's for.
* "Commercial Exits" is also really long, yet it's still incomplete.
As M.-A. Lemburg pointed out a little while ago, his company, eGenix,
isn't listed. We lack a criterion for adding companies to this list.
IMHO this isn't important enough to consume space on the top page; the
section should be removed and the companies listed somewhere else (in a
marketing section?).