[Pydotorg-redesign] Python logos should have snakes
Brandon J. Van Every
2003-09-13 14:20:29 UTC
Hello. By way of introduction, I don't use Python, and I'm rude. I've
been giving some feedback on marketing-python about what the
non-converted think of Python. I have some things to say about logos.
I've been scanning your archives and am very pleased to see that you're
working on so many wonderful things. But you're bogged down on the
logo, so I'm going to say a couple of things sans tact, to remind you of
this and that.
From a placeholder standpoint, the current Python logo is fine. From a
marketing standpoint, it sucks rocks. The design is deliberately "tech
retro," like Atari 2600 Space Invader graphics from my youth. I can't
think of anything more foolish than telling a business audience that
your programming language is retro. We have a phrase in game
development: "Programmer Art." This is the stuff that programmers stick
in as a placeholder until real artists get around to the job.

Is www.python.org a marketing vehicle? Yes it is. When people spread
info about Python by word of mouth, or presentation slide, they say "Go
to www.python.org." It's easy to remember, that's why we point people
there. So as long as you have the "Python is amateur and retro!" logo
screaming at people, you are doing big damage to the marketing of
Python. Reorganizing the content is great, it's needed, I applaud. But
you need to fix this logo *NOW*. If nothing else, remove it. That
would take someone 5 minutes.

A Python logo should have a snake in it. I don't know why this hasn't
been focused on. It is obvious, obvious, obvious brand identity. The
graphic design problem is "figure out how to combine the word 'Python'
with a snake." It isn't infinities or spirals or asking what kind of
extant corporate bland Guido prefers. Make logos with *SNAKES*.

I actually like the "Sesame Street" logo with a snake
but I also think
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show that it may not hold up well in company. I think it is worth
noting that the Java logo is the only distinctive one of the batch.

Possibly the Python snake logo is fixable with some tweaking, however.
I think the eyes and tongue are too subtle. I'm also thinking that
Green is the correct color for a Python, not purple. What if you change
the shape of the snake to be less "Romper Room" and more "I, Claudius?"
http://www.historyinfilm.com/claudius/ That's not a literal suggestion,
the idea is simply to communicate deadliness and danger rather than
playfulness. Business types like to *kill* or *strangle* their
competiton, not play with it.

Of course I will refrain from the useless suggestion of taking
inspiration from "Le Petit Prince," but I can't help mentioning the
thought. :-)

Cheers, www.3DProgrammer.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.
